Monday, August 28, 2023


Inspirational song: Rock Me, Amadeus (Falco)

Hm. There aren't a lot of things I want to share tonight. There's no imminent crisis, so don't panic. I just have things to think about, things to process, and a few projects that are stuck in a bottleneck. And, honestly, I needed a rest day after the last week. I was too sore and tired, and tomorrow is reserved for heavy lifting (loading crates of Palisade peaches for our fundraiser). It was okay to sleep a lot during the day.

I have begun fixing up a piece of furniture I swiped from next door when I cleaned up pre-rental. There was an end table left out on the covered patio. The two round surfaces are solid wood, and I immediately thought "plant stand!" when I saw it. I sanded it as best I could, to remove the worst UV and water damage from it. Then I put two coats of Danish oil on it. I was surprised by the color the oil brought out. The sheen was uneven, because of the existing damage, so I searched for ideas online. It said to buff it out, either with very fine sandpaper or steel wool, with conflicting advice on whether to wait for it to cure or do it while wet. It had only sat for two hours when I hit it with steel wool, and it made a huge difference. I'll use one more coat tomorrow, buff it, and then I'll have another place I can set plants. It's almost time to bring the succulents back in off the porch, plus a couple things I want to try to keep alive during the cold months. I will need to get creative on where things go from here.

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