Friday, August 11, 2023

Good Quiet

Inspirational song: Who's That Girl (Eurythmics)

This whole month has been remarkably quiet so far for me. I gave myself very few appointments or obligations, which makes me feel like I'm being a bit self-indulgent. The gifts of quiet and solitude are little luxuries I don't allow myself often enough. I feel like I always have to have a project or a crisis, or several that I careen between frantically. 

Since July, at least, maybe longer, I've held back specifically on doctor visits, and I have very few in the pipeline between now and the end of the year. Sure, I might get a stern talking-to when I finally go back to the oncologist for a refill of tamoxifen. But they taught me over the last few years that they would call to schedule the next appointment each time, and they didn't. Whose fault is it, then, that I don't know what my interval is supposed to be, and have now gone 7 months since my last check-in? I'm enjoying this respite, and I'm enjoying not having to pay all those co-pays. I was seeing doctors three or four times a month. With co-pays increasing year over year, that means $108-144 a month back in my pocket. (Okay, yes, into the tills at Lowe's, Home Depot, and Flower Bin...) 

I used my quiet time today to dye my roots and practice a little more on getting my hair to resemble curls more than messy waves. I also finally revisited the continuing education course that I walked away from when my laptop started acting like an a-hole. And not least of all, I spent quality time with my puppy, since her daddy and Murray were up at the cabin until dark. We've had a couple really good grooming sessions, and she's looking a lot sleeker than before. Still just as goofy, though.

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