Sunday, August 6, 2023

The Power of Churru Compels You

Inspirational song: Gonna Get Ya (Pete Townshend)

I've been creeping after Athena, warning her that her time is coming. We have to traumatize her just a little bit, for her own sake. Her claws are too dang long, and one is about to enter her pad again. She spends all night jumping into the window above my head, and then jumping down on my pillow, her claws snagging in both movements. I get no sleep while she does this. But it will be a two-man job, and will most likely involve covering her entire body (especially the bitey end) with a blanket and pulling out one arm at a time. We don't seem to have energy and focus at the same time, her father and I, so it has been put off for days now. But it's getting urgent, so we have to push ourselves to do the deed. Poor kitten is going to hate us. That's hate with a really long, stressed vowel.

I didn't do the decorating prep I had intended today. I had a surprise, unwelcome visitor. The botox takes the head and neck pain out of migraines, but it doesn't knock a thing off the tummyaches and day-stopping fatigue. It wasn't until I woke up from a two hour plus nap, feeling weak and needy, that I realized what had come on me like a ton of bricks. I spent the rest of the day still in bed, watching videos and reading Threads (now that I have fully given up on Twitter). 

It was still a babysitting day, and grandpa took the kids to Lowe's and Costco to allow me to sleep. There was one picture sent home of Dmitri absolutely NOT liking the giant skeleton, but I don't think I will steal and share it. It's so good that I'm afraid strangers will steal it and turn it into a meme, and that's not fair to our baby bunny boy.

Update: when the Mr got home from the climbing gym, we teamed up on Athena, and got the job done! She is 50% less pointy, and the mutant claw is no longer trying to insert itself in her pad. This is a huge victory. At first we tried to have him hold her in the blanket and I cut. Didn't work. I flinched too much. Instead I held her tight, and cooed to her through the blanket and he did the hard part. I didn't let her go immediately after. I uncovered her head and worked to calm her down. I remembered we had one more of the chicken flavor tube meat. Mr S-P brought it in, and she was on that right away. Harvey and Alfred figured out it was going down, and they joined in. It's rare to see those three faces within a centimeter of each other, and no one is using kitty swear words. Now we have calm, and I might actually be forgiven.

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