Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Spell Slots

Inspirational song: White Rabbit (Jefferson Airplane)

Gonna be a challenge to write tonight. I spent all day cleaning house and whatnot, ran my body out of energy, but kept going. At the end of tonight's game, we were talking about how other D&D games are run, specifically how spellcasters work. Normally magic users have spells slots, and once they are used, they can't cast spells until they've had a long rest. Now some game masters say you can cast spells "safely" when you have slots, but you can keep going when you're out, with penalties to your person. When Mr S-P described being out of spell slots, he compared it to being out of spoons, and he gestured at me. You can still try to do things, at a physical, mental, and emotional cost. Just like daily life with chronic illness. I felt this metaphor all the way to my bones. I ran out of spell slots at about 4 o'clock today, but my duties as a grandma and a game player had barely begun. 

Most of what wore me out was plant care. I carried about 80% of my plants in the living room, dining room, and kitchen to the sink for deep watering with Super Thrive in the water. It took me multiple hours to get everything that needed doing, to include a few minor placement changes and wiping down glass shelves with Windex. My body was on fire by the end of it, and I had to dip into my reserve of strong pills. Even that barely touched the ache. Out of spell slots, and starting to chip away at my hit points.

I've had the pathology report from the colonoscopy and polyp removal for a week or more, but only this afternoon did I get a remark from the doctor added to my chart. He said it was precancerous, and of the type that is aggressive, so he says I have to come back in one year (not the three I expected to hear). Well, poop. I have to do this all over next year. 

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