Thursday, November 2, 2023

Sea Legs

Inspirational song: Doctor, Doctor (Thompson Twins)

How in the heck does Costco run out of half and half? We needed just a few items today--coffee, the magic ingredient to make coffee good, cat litter, and trash bags. We walked all over the store, to make sure there wasn't anything else. There was no half and half hiding anywhere in that store. They had a big display of eggnog in the spot it usually sits, but I was told that November 2nd is too early to put it in coffee. We asked at the cash register whether they had it and we failed to find it, and no, the problem was not in our searching. They were actually out. 

I had my yearly physical this morning. The bulk of it was spent going over all my specialists, and verifying which Tricare referrals were still in effect, and which needed renewing. She listened to my lungs a little, poked a few places, and shined a light into my ears and eyes. She went off to put labs in the system, and I realized I forgot to ask for a flu shot while I waited to be taken back for blood to be drawn. I'll have to schedule it at Walgreens later. 

The in-house lab person paused in packing up her office to draw my blood. The recent corporate takeover of the practice meant that her contract wasn't renewed, and after 8 years, they gave her the boot. Dammit. She was a good one to a person like me who is a very difficult stick.

She only took 3 vials of blood this time, but I still had the usual reaction. I've spent most of the day with that feeling you get when you've spent all day on a boat, and then you go back on land and you still think you're bobbing in the waves. I close my eyes and I swear I am in motion.

Stolen photos today. Man, those kids are cute.

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