Monday, December 19, 2022


Inspirational song: Jump (Van Halen)

This was Monday, right? I've had to stop and figure out the answer to that question countless times today. When I say time has no meaning, I am not even beginning to describe the amorphous blob of existence that is having a teacher home for winter break. With him here this many hours in a row, I can't for the life of me figure out when it is.

Maybe that is how we ended up babysitting on a day we weren't supposed to. Kids were already in the car and most of the way here before our daughter texted to say wait, this isn't your day. Went all just kind of rolled with it. No point in confusing the babies by taking them back so soon. They were a lot of work today, and I had so much to do to prepare the house for my Yule-Saturnalia-Christmas-Hannukah-etc feast on Wednesday. Still, we kept them. 

I have felt lately like I take more pictures of the boy, and I don't think it is intentional. Val is just harder to capture, because she is never still. In the last week or so, we have entered a very big jumping phase. We jump from the car to the ground (and say "Boom!") We jump from the ottoman to the couch, and then couch to floor. We jump on grandma's bed. We jump randomly in the kitchen. We jump next to the liquor cabinet, where the bottles rattle when the floor shakes. I get tired just hearing it. I can't remember what it was like having so much excess energy that I could burn it off just randomly hopping around. I hope she keeps it longer than I did. 

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