Monday, December 26, 2022


Inspirational song: You're My Best Friend (Queen)

Was I using the phrase "into the belly of the beast" right this morning, when I suggested we go to the big local nursery I like so much? I meant it as a dive into a tempting situation that could end up beating me up and taking all my lunch money. The Mr seemed confused when I said it. I really needed a moisture meter and a few other things for my plants, and I knew going to this particular store was a huge risk. I brought Mr S-P with me to keep me from doing something too stupid. It worked to an extent. I held the alocasias I covet so much in my hands, but I put them back, not willing to spend 30 bucks per plant at this point in my life. At least not in front of him.

I have been desperately seeking some kind of climbing pole for several of my plants, as I have documented along the way. I finally found some at the Flower Bin, but I was a little surprised at the price. Honestly, I balked. We talked it over, and decided to riff on something I saw in a video last night, and we are going to make some. He saw burlap sacks for sale at the front of the store for 50 cents each, and we bought a pack of coco coir chips. I already have some thick wire supports, so I'll do a few test poles this week to see if we can make it work.

I couldn't leave there without at least one live plant, and I ended up with two very tiny ones. He had given me a book on succulents for Christmas, so I bought a little bitty Echeveria. When I forced myself to walk away from the alocasias, I grabbed a tiny croton to soothe my grief. They were so small they fit in the cup holders of the car with room to spare. I looked at them and thought, I have two new little friends! Yeah, I guess that is how I see this particular hobby, isn't it? Nurturing friends who don't ask a whole lot from me, just water and light.

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