Saturday, December 3, 2022

In the Thousands

Inspirational song: Seasons of Love (Rent)

How weird is it that on three distinctly different situations today, I saw references to the song from Rent centered on how many minutes are in a year? My daughter watched the movie today and posted a clip of the kids with it playing in the background to the family chat. A couple of hours later, I saw a tweet that referenced it as a math joke. Then tonight on Saturday Night Live, they parodied it (I have already forgotten the context). It's hard to see that come up so often in under 12 hours without at least wondering if the universe is sending me a message.

I overcame rising social anxiety this morning to attend a celebratory brunch. The Boulder County dems threw a thank-you party to volunteers, of which I am one. I was afraid I would know no one there, but within minutes I saw my area coordinator, who happened to also lead the writing group I was in when I first came to this town. She invited me to sit at her table. Once there, I realized her predecessor as our area coordinator was the vocalist singing with the trio on stage. As the event went on, I recognized more and more people, some by name and some just by their familiar eyes and hairline. (Mask-wearing was prominent with this group.) My favorite part of the morning was when they talked about how much we accomplished during our GOTV effort. In years past, Boulder County's voter turnout was the second highest in the country. This time we led the state among counties with more than 50,000 people. Not as impressive, so we have to double down next time. Still good, though.

I probably had more to say, but I've been wiped out since we went to Costco. On the way there, I drove a different way through town. Mr S-P asked where I was going, and I just said, "trust the process." I turned onto the highway leading out of town, and right there was our very own Costco under construction (and of course I squealed.) The skeleton is done, the roof appeared to be in place, and some of the walls are even done. It will be so nice to get our dog food and crazy amounts of half and half in our own town. Instead we have to drive halfway to Denver, shop until we are exhausted, and then drive back. 

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