Sunday, December 18, 2022

Oh Baby

Inspirational song: Baby Don't Get Hooked on Me (Mac Davis)

Because everyone in the immediate family group went through an epic battle with the seasonal crud, we all had to delay a very special treat, one that Mr S-P and I finally got to behold today. The neighbors had their baby girl the week of Thanksgiving, and other than a quick peek when they were pushing her in a stroller past the front of my house, I had not gotten to see her at all. Today, with clear lungs and sinuses, we were allowed over to sit on the couch and hold her while the football game was on. She's still very tiny and light, but not the brand new squishy baby we had been wanting to hold. She fussed a little when I first got ahold of her, but with a pacifier, she settled down and slept in my arms for several minutes. I had to turn her back over to mommy when it was time to go pick up my babies. After holding 4 week old Cece, Dmitri seems like an absolute unit. He's now five full months and built like a future linebacker, so the distinction is noticeable.

My mother sent a family heirloom to me for my birthday, or more accurately, a large collection thereof. She had a storage tub filled with cookie cutters that spanned generations, that belonged to her, her mother, and me. (It was so weird seeing the old Holly Hobby cookie cutter that matched my HH version of the Easy Bake Oven after all these years.) Today was the day Valerie and I made our first cookies together with them. Yesterday I mixed up a gingerbread dough, and I let it chill in the fridge overnight. I should have rolled it out much, much thinner, but for the first time making cutout cookies in many years, it was fine. It's not like we were expecting perfection. The whole idea was to introduce Val to the concept without any sort of pressure. I let her see every cutter, and then we picked out a handful to try. She's very fond of heart and moon shapes, so we made sure there were at least two of those for her. The cookies were delicious, and we only used about half of the dough. We can try for more tomorrow.

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