Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Day After

Inspirational song: The Song Is Over (The Who)

Speaking as someone who frequently experiences extreme exhaustion following rather mundane activities, holy crap, yesterday left me profoundly exhausted. I didn't roll out of bed until 10 this morning, and when I did, I could barely make my muscles move. I came out to find the Mr had washed out the coffee pot and filter basket, but never started a fresh pot. On one hand, this is good, because I like my coffee fresh and hot, not sitting in the carafe for hours upon hours. On the other hand, this was nearly a tragedy, because holding a full carafe of water out from my body to pour in the back of the machine nearly tore my entire back to shreds. There is overdoing it, and then there is what I did the last three days. Oof.

I knew the cold front that made such an entrance yesterday was a big deal, but it wasn't until reading tweets today that I found out just what a brick wall of frigidity slammed into us. The big weather stations recorded something upwards of a 30 degree drop in two minutes. The temperature changes in the area from daytime highs to the lows averaged 50-60 degrees. Denver appears to have dropped 63 degrees. Greeley and Fort Collins were closer to 50. And, I'm sure it crossed your minds to wonder whether Mr S-P wore proper clothing when he went outside. You will not be surprised to learn that no, he went out to see whether he left his reading glasses in the car while wearing pajama pants and a robe, and probably slippers. I took a picture to send to our daughters, and while the one in California got a chill just looking at it, neither was actually surprised he did it.

After the big dinner party and the small gift exchange with J at the end of the evening, I really feel like Christmas has already happened. Several times today, I've looked at the Christmas tree, and wondered how much longer we will keep the lights plugged in for it. I got exactly what I wanted, friends over for a big dinner and a fancy new plant from J, and now I'm content and relaxed. I still have a whole two Christmases to go, one with the kids and one non-gift-exchanging dinner with the Smiths. I should have paced myself more! 

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