Thursday, December 15, 2022

Propagation Station

Inspirational song: Piece of My Heart (Janis Joplin)

Pretty much everyone knows I'm giving plants away this year, as they become able to move out of the nest. I was hoping all of my babies would be ready by Christmas, but I have accepted that not all will be. The Christmas cactus, for example, is stubbornly refusing to show signs of growth. The Tradescantia zebrina, on the other hand, is a champ. Let's just not talk about the one I potted in a small terra cotta for myself, that I immediately dumped into another plant and shattered when I tried to hang it in a newly-finished macrame hanger. (After a cooling off period, I tried again in a plastic pot and, knock wood, it seems to be staying in place.)

I took J up to Fort Collins again for their recurring appointment, and went shopping while I waited for them. There was a large Bed Bath & Beyond close by, so I went to find the kitchen organization things I needed. I've swapped back to an old-fashioned plastic mat under the dish tray, because we never, ever did what you're supposed to with the absorbent mats, which is pick them up to air dry. And saints be praised, I found the right size sponge and brush organizer, and now everything is up off the counter and contained in one box.

While shopping, I turned again to the idea of grow lights. I impulse-bought a basic floor lamp with three directional sockets at BB&B. It was spendy, but I had a 25% off entire order coupon, so I'm telling myself it was okay. I still have the 1600 lumens soft white (think very yellow) bulbs from Walmart, and I will give them one last try to see whether I can stand them as grow lights before I give up and go buy daylight spectrum ones. I'll use the old clamp lamp in my room, aimed at my propagation station, to see whether that aids growth. Today I put a 2550 lumens (LED equivalent to 150 watts) bulb in a directional bathroom fixture, aimed at some golden pothos and a zebra plant, and that is the absolute max I can tolerate. If plants need more than that, then they are SOL (pun intended).

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