Saturday, February 18, 2023


Inspirational song: Ooh Baby, Baby (Linda Ronstadt)

As a wall color, "Night Light" isn't quite as extreme as the chalk white I demanded back in 8th grade, but wow, it's close. If anything, it's closer to the cholesterol color my mom painted my childhood room after I moved out. It has a ways to go just to be French vanilla. But it is the clean slate I needed. A palate cleanser, as it were. Maybe in a couple years, I can consider putting in a more intense color again. For now, the furnishings, bedding, art, and plants will provide all the excitement for this decor.

We picked up the kids and took them with us to Lowe's. I was ready to get the paint, and start on the north one-sixth of the room, so I could reclaim my dresser from what used to be my craft and dressing room, and get rid of the temporary plastic drawers I had been using since September. Got the paint and tools I didn't already find in my garage, plus the bar and curtain rod supports for the living room, so I can put hanging plants directly in front of the picture window. We had to drive with a steel electrical conduit running from the back of my Tucson, over Dmitri's head, and out the passenger window. Inelegant, but it did the trick.

While at Lowe's, we decided it was time for Dmitri to graduate from riding in the car seat bucket to sitting up in the buggy. He was so much happier. He never flopped over (granted he was buckled and had a blankie for support), and he never stopped smiling. Valerie was given permission to run her wiggles out, and while I was getting paint and curtain accessories, grandpa let her go from one end of the store to the other. By the time we got to the house, he went out like a light, and she bored herself to sleep watching Cars for the first time. (She does this every time with a new movie. Chances are she will ask for it tomorrow.)

By the end of the evening, Dmitri was ready to go back home, and Valerie was totally on board to go out for Mexican food with grandma and grandpa. She really only ate rice, chips, and the tomatoes off her taco, but she had a grand old time with us.

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