Friday, February 10, 2023

Plague Pals

Inspirational song: The Kids Are Alright (The Who)

Yesterday we got the bad news that Dmitri has followed us on this viral adventure. He tested positive, and is so not happy about it. So far Val remains negative, but she is doing a bit more sleeping than she might have, so not sure whether that is indicative or not.

I needed food and cough drops, so I masked up good and trekked to Walmart. Got myself some storage solutions while there, and started doing a little more purging of stuff. I've decided it's time to do a refresh of my bedroom, after seven years of it being a somewhat dark cave. I'm planning on painting soon, once I empty it a bit. The amount of activity I was able to squeeze into a single day was my biggest indicator that I am feeling better. I still cough like a 19th century coal miner, but I'm taking every small win that I can.

This evening we had had enough forced distance from the babies, and we asked to be allowed to come over and play. We wore masks and all, as if that horse isn't already out of the barn. Val needed all the snuggles, even if her attention was wholly fixed on Moana. It reminded me of our early days together, her on my lap drinking juice and watching her first favorite movie. Dmitri tore our hearts apart. He couldn't sleep more than about five minutes at a time, and his cries were more than just baby noises. There was real grief over his literal pain in his voice. After an hour of that, I asked when his last dose of baby Tylenol was. My daughter checked his temperature to be sure he was in line with what the doctor recommended, and then gave him a dose. Within minutes, you could see his little face and body relax. Poor kid had just gone too long with the achy part. Once we left, they gave him a shower and said it worked magic on him. He was finally sleeping peacefully. 

I know those kids missed us as much as we missed them while everyone was sick and trying not to infect everyone else. At this point, it's almost a relief that we all have it so we don't have to stay separated as much. My daughter started calling us Plague Pals. It fits.

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