Friday, February 3, 2023


Inspirational song: Life in the Fast Lane (The Eagles)

Valerie is old enough to be taught the slang term "zoomies." She is old enough to have them, too, and she demonstrated that today. She did a lot of running and giggling, as she has done repeatedly lately, here and in stores. And as before, she ran herself to the point where she said "snuggle grandma" and crawled into my chair to wind down. She got under the blanket I had on my lap, leaned against me, and asked to watch car detailing videos. She was asleep before the first reveal. This shows me she effectively used up all her energy, and had a great time doing it.

You can always tell what a kid hears by what they repeat. I've told you she knows I tell her that she is awesome all the time, and she says it back to me now. Somebody uses a certain nickname to her a lot, because she comes up to me when I'm doing things like cooking or washing dishes, and she gets between me and the counter, saying, "well hello there, sweetie-pie." We also hear her say, "you did it!" and "good job!" This is what I want my grandchildren to have as inner monologue. I approve of this messaging.

Dmitri is so close to sitting unsupported for more than a few seconds before tipping over. He's also getting the idea that crawling will be to his advantage, but he doesn't quite have the coordination for it yet. I'm counting down to the day when I can turn him loose to play and not be called upon to hold him every waking second. I like the cuddling, until the point where he starts squirming, kicking, and hitting stuff with whatever toy is in his hands. (Stuff like my face.)

The grown-ups here are starting to feel a little run down. The Mr has a cold (no at-home test yet), and I have a tension headache. A good night's rest ought to do us a world of good. At least that is my own reassuring self-talk. As Valerie says, "you got this."

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