Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Light Bulb

Inspirational song: Bullet the Blue Sky (U2)

Why did I do this to myself again? I was out even longer than yesterday, grinding up my hip joints walking around on concrete for hours. Everything I'm sitting on right now is inflamed. The good news is I spent a whole lot less money than yesterday. All I had to pay was the arm and leg they charged for two adults and one little kid at 5Guys. The bad news is I couldn't find pretty much anything I wanted. I found a lot of things that were sort of close, but not close enough to spend money on. 

Today's adventure was to Lowe's and Home Depot. My primary mission was to find how the electric leaf blowers they sell compared to the cheap clearance one I saw at Walmart. (2-5x the cost, but matching the batteries we already own multiples of.) I also wanted replacement blades for my cleaning scraper, good replacement latex gloves for cleaning (only found flimsy ones), and if I happened to stumble across a manjula pothos, I have given myself special dispensation from the plant no-buy to get it. I am on a mission with that last one. Got blades, struck out on the rest.

I took my daughter and granddaughter with me. Once we had completed most of our shopping, Valerie and I went slowly through the fan and lighting aisle, so we could point at all the ones we liked. It was her idea, and I was totally on board for it. She would point at some and say, "That's the one I like; that's the one you like." I made sure I showed her what I really liked, the glittery pendants with cut glass and crystals, and said, "That's grandma's style." So naturally she copied me, pointed at another and said, "and that's Valerie's style." I love how I don't need to over-simplify things for her anymore. Her conversation is on point.

During our slow tour of the lighting section, I came across the grow lights. I had no idea they had this much in stock for this purpose. It used to be just a few LED light bars that might or might not work. Now they have all the shapes, with a rating system to let you know whether they're good for hydroponics, different types of growing, etc. I guess I just don't go to Home Depot often enough, else I might have known these were on hand before I ordered so much off Amazon. 

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