Saturday, January 27, 2024

Use the Power for Good

Inspirational song: Lump (The Presidents of the United States of America)

Is the internet a marvel or a menace? I'm kind of feeling both today. For every time I get annoyed finding out how many crooks and creeps there are out there, I am delighted by how easily a short video or meme can cheer me up. I was all but ready to chuck the entire thing two hours ago. Then I had a snapchat filter conversation with my grandchildren. Mood lightened.

I had most of the day to myself. Mr S-P and our part-time housemate went up to the mountain to check on their respective neighboring properties. She was able to bully her way in through drifts of snow, and to get her previously comatose skidsteer to fire up and start plowing out the other neighbors. He tried to make a run up to where he could snowshoe in to his cabin. His 4runner took one look at the snow and said Nope.

While they were gone, I knocked many tasks off my overdue list. Housemate is a force of nature, and has helped me get on top of so much around here, that I'm able to do the icky things looming over me, like accounting and bill-paying. I took it all in small bites. I'd load the dishwasher, and take a short break. File some business receipts, break. Strip the bed and start the washer, break. It worked so well I even fit in time for a long soak in the tub, yet still got most of the stressful things knocked out.

Thanks to a goofy meme that my daughter tagged me in, for the next few days (until it isn't funny anymore), she and I will be referring to the grandchildren as Honk and Ham. As if to prove which one he is, in the first picture she sent me this evening, Dmitri gave his sister a side-eye with the hammiest face ever. He is quite the personality.

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