Sunday, April 11, 2021


Inspirational song: Nothing But Flowers (The Talking Heads)

On day three now, and it appears I am in the clear from the vaccine. I mean, I'm exhausted and have sore muscles all over, but that is from exertion and sun exposure. I think I'm good for missing out on side effects now. I think it is truly miraculous that I sailed through. Perhaps it is a function of landing on Team Pfizer. Anecdotal scuttlebutt says it is easier on people than the others. As that was my experience too, I'll run with that.

Saoirse and I missed school last weekend, which worked out okay since the other dog family missed too because it was Easter. We are all on the same page, and just went forward as if this were week four. She had her moments, especially when she had the opportunity to show off for teacher and do something better than her classmate Roscoe. He was having some fear issues leaving the training center and walking down the center aisle of the store. We made three trips up and down while we waited for Roscoe to be lured out for that particular drill. And Saoirse did great at down-stay and letting me walk a half aisle away, and even pop out of sight for a second. Granted, her Pyrenees side comes out when she is told to lie down and then stay. Pyrs are notoriously lazy.

I had a meeting with a friend who is selling her rental property. I get to be her listing agent, but in a crazy hot market like we are experiencing, the tenants have just announced they would like to buy it and not move out. I've had a short conversation with the one who wants to buy, and gave him my contact info for his realtor. This will make three of us at my tiny brokerage in the middle of off-market deals, assuming he goes forward with an offer. On one hand, I'm glad not to deal with the insane amount of offers properties are getting, usually within the first couple days. On the other, I kind of wanted to have a sign out and some marketing in this area. Best not to complain. A deal is a deal.

I came back from meeting with my friend to find my baby was down at the park closest to my house. They had gone on a walk to a friend's house, and then stopped to play and burn off a little of that toddler energy. Or at least that was the theory. I saw videos of the giggling and wiggling while they were trying to put her down at bedtime. 

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