Saturday, April 10, 2021


Inspirational song: This Is It (Kenny Loggins)

Day two was way easier than I expected. I set aside a whole day, and had lots of contingencies planned. Rather than being ill, as so many people warned I might, I was a bit chilly a few times and I slept a lot. Basically, it was just like dose one for me. I maintain that I could still have a moment overnight, but I am probably past the danger zone.

I have told this story before, but I do have some new readers, and it is one of my favorites. It's also newly relevant. When I was a young teen back in Oklahoma, I was home alone when I heard a jet flying very low over the city. It was ridiculously loud and rattled the windows in our house. Despite looking, I never actually saw the military plane that made a pass or two practically directly over my head. I remember thinking "who the hell is doing this?" Yeah. Turns out it was my dad on a cross-country trip in his Air National Guard F-4, trying to see my house from the air. It has been decades, and it still makes me laugh to remember it.

Mr S-P was doing some training with the Civil Air Patrol kids, and he flew a little while he could. He sent a short 8-second video that I had to replay about four times to recognize it was our daughter's neighborhood. (He was traveling north to south, and for some reason that threw me.) Our daughter sent back a photo, asking "Dad, that you?" Now I'm jealous that she got to communicate when her father flew overhead, and get confirmation it was him. Granted hers was flying a whole lot slower than mine was.

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