Friday, April 23, 2021

Slow Progress

Inspirational song: The Electric Company (The Electric Company)

Final inspection on the solar panels happened this morning, and we passed. Does this mean we have free power from the sun? Oddly, no. Not yet. From here, we have to wait for the city-owned utility company to come out and install a meter, different than the one we've used all these years. So many steps. So much hurry-up-and-wait. Mr S-P politely said, "They didn't explain this process very well." No kidding. If I were them, I would have wanted to manage expectations better. We should have known going in that the entire gig from start to finish would be roughly two months. 

This was a baby day. For the first few hours she was over, she was pretty quiet. She was active and inquisitive, but not making much noise. Then somewhere in the middle of the afternoon, she took the sound dampeners off. Wow. Baby has lungs. I feel like it is a reflection of how comfortable she is feeling, whether she is chatty or otherwise expressive. She is also past the lots of little naps phase, so it was go-go-go the whole time. There was a lot of independent standing, and walking while holding our hands, but not more than a half step between the ottoman and side table without touching something supportive. 

I'm waiting to see how many more days per week we will be called upon to Grump sit. We have agreed to at least one a week like today, but it may increase. This sure is inspiring me to get rid of clutter from the ground to about hip height. Kid needs room to roam.

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