Monday, April 26, 2021


Inspirational song: Girls Just Want to Have Fun (Cyndi Lauper)

As expected, Saoirse's vet said to wait for her spay surgery until she is out of heat. She has had one full day of staying inside about 85% of her time, and she already hates it. The surgery was postponed exactly two weeks, and she will have several days afterwards of staying inside to heal. Between spring fever, cabin fever, and (skipping phrase that fits lyrically but seems inherently racist) her biological urges, this dog is going to be insufferable. She does a lot of melodramatic flopping against me wherever we are together (on the bed, at my favorite chair, in the bathroom). Hormones are fun.

For several years now, Botox for migraine has been a game changer for me. It makes life possible. It has to be re-injected every 12 weeks, and somewhere halfway through week 10, its efficacy declines suddenly like someone unplugs a machine. It was bad luck that said metaphorical Botox machine ran out of juice at the same time as I had to spend a full weekend out in the sun. I had a headache and lupus yuck all at once. At one point, as I was melting into my chair, I mumbled that I felt like all my bones had been stolen. By afternoon, all I could do was lie on my side in bed, pressing the right half of my face (where most of my migraines are) into the cooling gel pillow. I used to have to work in offices (or libraries or testing labs...) on days like this, and now I wonder how I possibly did it. Today it was hard just to get one amendment signed for my current real estate deal, and that just meant opening the laptop twice while I was still lying on my bed. 

We missed an opportunity to visit with the younger generations of our local family. Timing didn't work for those who felt like being sociable, and I slept through the invitation to visit. By the time I was awake, the baby was not. I can see myself as a baby in her, especially in profile, but the picture they sent today shows how much she resembles her grandma in repose as well. She napped exactly like I did, just facing the other direction. Like "her batteries died," as her daddy said. Same, baby, same.

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