Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Stand It

Inspirational song: Demolition Man (The Police)

There is a reason I meter my activity so strictly. It's too easy for simultaneous actions to swamp me and make everything too difficult to finish. Take today, for example. I was babysitting while tying up the loose ends of the real estate deal and prepping for a long phone meeting with my new medical case manager. Everything had to happen basically at once. I was trying to create a counter proposal and get it signed, while a grabby baby swore up and down that she needed to run her hands on grandma's laptop. During my phone interview, I tried to speak quietly to avoid ending baby's nap too early, and the whole time I could hear notifications of my email and group chats blowing up. It didn't take long to put me in sensory overload. I had to block everything out and work only one thing at a time. Still I ended up with a headache and dyspepsia. Ugh.

Still, having that baby around is worth a little tension. She is just too much fun. She is so observant, and her memory is sharp. She knows where to find the good stuff at grandma's house, like every kid ever. I'm going to have to set my place up like every grandma, with a stash of crayons and paper in one closet, and all the cool toys in another, with a stack of kid books in a corner.

It was rough getting the Grumpus down for her nap, but once she went down, she was conked out for something like two hours. She woke up with a maxed out diaper, and a perfect excuse for a bath. She was all cute and sweet-smelling when her daddy came to get her. While we were talking, she was standing between us, playing with the wrapper from her teething crackers. She got distracted by it, using both hands to crinkle the wrapper. She forgot to hold on to support her standing, and so she just stood there. It happened several times, enough for me to eventually catch it in a picture. Still no unsupported steps, but I'll take standing as a win.

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