Thursday, April 15, 2021


Inspirational song: Save It For Later (The English Beat)

Solar install guys were here most of the day again. Their task this time was to connect all the panels to the brain and to hard wire the brain to our router by drilling in through the roof (router is suspended in the dining room). They got a lot done, but there were two panels that just weren't reporting in. They said it was probably because it wasn't sunny today, so there wasn't enough power built up yet. When they left, they said it was their last day, and once the final inspection from the city was scheduled, the other guy from the office would be in touch. I asked the obvious question: so once the inspection is done, then we go live? He kind of thought about it, started to say no, there was something about net metering to do, and then checked himself. Our town has a city-owned utility (the reason we couldn't do one of those lease systems they always try to offer in Costco), and he didn't know the rules for that. So I honestly have no idea when we will be generating our own electricity. The cool news is there is an app we can use to monitor it, I guess via that internet connection they put in this afternoon, and the Mr set up our account and showed me. It has a grid with each individual panel, and whether it's actively charging or fully charged, and other data about our production and usage. This is going to be fun to watch. I just wish the time to go live would finally get here. It's like each step just leads to two more steps, and we never approach the event horizon.

I did find it funny that on the day we were learning whether the panels were communicating and charging, it was overcast all day, and snowing for most of that time. It's one of those slushy spring snows that don't really add up to much more than a lot of mud. I love days like this, but just this once, I wouldn't have minded a little sunshine.

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