Friday, April 16, 2021


Inspirational song: Lean On Me (Bill Withers)

Timing is everything. Last Friday, I was supposed to get a massage, only my second in a year. But when I got in the pipeline to get the vaccine, with very little time to plan, I had to delay my me-time by a week. As I settled in for my massage, I told my regular therapist Slow Hand what I had done. He said he had the shot the day before I did, and it hit him so hard he missed three days worth of work. I got very lucky to already have my make up date, unlike his unfortunate other regulars.

Speaking of massage therapy, I finally did something I have threatened to do for about six years. I scheduled a single hour session (usually do ninety minutes to work out enough knots to be functional), and I am going just to have him work my arms (mostly elbows down), legs (knees down), and scalp. I kept paying my membership all last year, even though I wasn't going in. By doing that, every couple of months they offered me bonus time. I had probably fourteen hours saved up by the time I dared to go back. I can totally burn an hour on just my extremities. I can't wait.

I'm never pain-free, but I have definitely improved today. I am more relaxed than I've been in weeks, even with all the busy stuff going on. It won't take much to knock me back out of whack, but I'm sure enjoying what we accomplished this morning. I was in such a good mood, I made a point of driving over and hanging out with the grandbaby, just to say hi. Now that we are all vaccinated, it is even better being able to drop in all the time. Naturally, I dumped my purse and shoes by the front door, and walked away from them to cuddle the Grump. Didn't have my camera where I was sitting. But the kids dropped by yesterday, to pick up something they left, so I got a few quick pictures, while I greeted her in the car. I hope when she grows up, she appreciates having access to us as much as I did being able to walk to my grandparents' house for lunch every day when I was in middle school. It makes such a difference.

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