Saturday, September 17, 2022

Just Me and My Dog

Inspirational song: For Veronica's Sake (Alice Cooper)

Because the last two nights featured a certain toddler sleeping over at grandma's, I wasn't squished between the two girls who usually keep me from getting a restful night's sleep. Saoirse was banished to sleep in the garage with Murray, and Athena just avoided the situation altogether. That's okay. Val did the job of two girls, and kept me from sleeping all by herself. She is an active sleeper, moving and kicking all night, and somewhere in the wee hours of the morning, she started to have dreams that lead to unconscious tantrums. Sometimes she would call out things like "no, stop it," and wave her arms. It's the same thing she does if one of us calmly says, "hey, how about you don't do [whatever thing is at issue], and do this instead." She will throw what she is holding down, yell stop it, and then fall on the floor and cry. Doesn't matter how gently we address her, even if it includes a "we don't want you to fall or get hurt." She doesn't take rejection well, and has nightmares about it, apparently. I know it is a normal toddler stage, and I'm not overly concerned about it, unless it involves a tiny elbow connecting with my face at three in the morning.

Poor Saoirse really got the short end of this deal. Val is still super scared of her, so puppy gets bored and lonely outside. She missed out on cuddles and table scraps for two and a half days. The Mr brought home takeout dinner, and this dog must have been practicing her sweet begging face while she was cast out, and she used it with deadly accuracy. I saved her a few bites from my dinner, and I think we are friends again.

I've almost gotten everything picked up that the baby pulled out. She's a busy thing. She wore me out good. I could only function in short bursts today, with lots of rest in between. Example number ten thousand of why parenting is for young people.

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