Monday, June 26, 2023

Ex Chrysalis

Inspirational song: Grace Kelly (Mika)

I needed a celebratory change of appearance. I decided to have my daughter cut off a bunch of my hair, bleach the bottom bits, and cover it with a couple of different purples, blended together. As I'm starting to write, I'm sitting with the purple still glopped in my hair, waiting for it to soak in enough to hold up to shampoos. I will pause halfway through writing and go rinse it out and see what's left.

It took hours to get to the level we are at now. I went to her house mid-afternoon, and we started with the first rough cut around 5:30. Then we bleached, the first time. I left that in longer than usual, and rinsed it out in her shower. We did the cut, and as often happens, it ended up way shorter than we intended. We needed to wait for it to dry, so we could put another round of bleach in, after cutting most of it off. We loaded the kids into my car and went to Freddy's for ice cream. Once back, we bleached again, and then loaded me up with purple. By then, it was kid bedtime, and after they were in jammies with clean teeth, I wrapped a towel around my goopy hair and drove home. I'll pause here to wash the purple out and see what has happened to me thus far.

Okay, I am post-washout. It took quite a bit of water, and even after rinsing out conditioner, the water still wasn't running clear. My hair is a lot wavier, now that it's missing five or six inches of weight. That was one of the benefits I was seeking. The two colors appeared to have mixed together more than I thought they would, but that's okay. This is experimental at this point. I can finesse it once the proof of concept pleases me. I asked Mr S-P whether he could tell it was two purples, and he said no, it was wet, thus it was merely "dark." Until it dries, I'm going to wear another of my hair-dyeing t-shirts (different than the one I destroyed with bleach earler), and wait to see what happens. Then I'll see how hard it is to get a cute picture.

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