Sunday, June 18, 2023

Fathers and Suns

Inspirational song: Fire and Rain (James Taylor)

I feel bad for choosing that song for tonight, because it makes it seem like I'm morose over something. It's just that I watched a Professor of Rock video about it an hour ago, and I literally can't think of any other song. It's stuck in my head now.

I hope all y'all had a good Father's Day. I had a call with my dad this afternoon, and that was fun. My baby daddy, as it were, hiked the hills all around Griffith Observatory with our older daughter today. She and I went there together years ago, but we drove up and parked at the top. I hope he liked it as much as I did. My son-in-law was here twice today to help me with Murray, and once he brought Dmitri, and later he brought everyone. He had a day off work, so he celebrated Father's day with his kids.

I ought to have called my step-dad too, but they had a giant windstorm go through northeastern Oklahoma last night, and it knocked out power to bunches of folks, including them. I didn't want to run their phone batteries dry if they have no electricity to recharge. Let's hope it gets restored quickly all around the area.

The cold and rain seems to have finally moved on, and warm weather will visit us this week. I'd almost forgotten we were this close to summer. It was actually sunny here today. My plants will appreciate this.

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