Friday, June 2, 2023

Zone Coverage

Inspirational song: Scream (Collective Soul)

When my daughter had her first ultrasound with Dmitri, there was evidence of a second embryo that was non-viable, and in the process of reabsorbing. They say this is very common, and at first I was disappointed that both babies weren't going to happen. Today showed me why I should be glad Dmitri was a one-off and not a set.

The neighbors had to go to Boulder to resolve a legal issue (in their favor), but Cece would not have been welcome. We babysat her and our two who we had had since last night when their parents went to a concert. We were already running on zero sleep, with two whirling spin-kickers between us. Cece was fine for the first half hour her parents were gone, and then the crying started. She screamed and screamed and screamed for an hour. Then she fell asleep in Mr S-P's arms, and kept screaming. It was amazing. She did that for over half an hour, until he figured out that she relaxed when he held her very, very snugly, and she finally fell all the way asleep.

We have made a lot of jokes over the years about baby care in football terms. One kid you can double-team. Two kids is man-to-man. Three kids and you're in zone defense. This was way harder than that. I think we should start using military language. We had to call in air support, making our daughter an hour late to work, because she was helping us manage all three. It would have been mass carnage otherwise.

We ended our night in Boulder, having a dinner with same neighbors and their college friends who have become dear to us as well. Cece was fussy still, making her poor daddy walk around the block in downtown Boulder with her in a front carrier, until she finally calmed down enough for him to eat his dinner. I hope she gets to a point soon where they can start having a social life again. It took Valerie a while to get past the total Grump stage too. There has to be a light at the end of this tunnel for them too.

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