Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Thinned Out

Inspirational song: The Mighty Quinn (Manfred Mann's Earth Band)

Well, this was certainly a productive day. I'm quite impressed with us. It's nearly bedtime, and I'm sitting in the dark living room, listening to the Mr install the new heating coil in the dryer, that arrived today, and he just mumbled something about how it wasn't going as poorly as he expected it to. Overall, that's encouraging.

We started our useful hours with him next door cleaning the remaining junk from the neighbors garage, and me sorting through two boxes of clothes from when I was considerably thinner, a dozen years ago. Out of the two boxes, I kept four or five pairs of jeans and pants as mementos, and ditched everything else. Then I grabbed three sheet sets that I hardly ever used anymore, and tossed those in the donate pile too. Before I could second-guess any of it, they were packed up and carted away to the thrift store donation drop-off. Then I turned my attention to cleaning up for game night. I devoted a good four or five hours to it, being careful not to overtax myself in any one burst, so that I could function when folks got here.

We played two rounds of Dice Forge, one before and one after the kids came and left. In the middle, we tried to get a game of Candyland in, but Valerie lost interest and wandered off, while Dmitri came in like Godzilla, and started grabbing all the pieces and the board. Until it was the kids' bedtime, we just sat around and visited after the failed trip to Candyland. Not unwelcome, while our attentions were all scattered. 

And soon, we can start doing laundry again, properly and rapidly. It feels nice getting back on an even keel.

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