Thursday, June 15, 2023

Vicarious Living

Inspirational song: I Only Have Eyes For You (The Flamingos)

People around me were much more interesting than I was today. I got to coast for a while, just watching stuff happen. 

Mr S-P is off for a Father's Day weekend trip with our daughter in LA. I took him to the airport this evening, although with all the rain delays, I'm not even sure he has made it onto the plane yet. Before he left, he took care of several things around here, including clearing off years of dust and debris that built up on our D&D table when the world shut down and all our gaming went remote for months. We never could use it again after that, because of how much junk had been piled on it. But as I have been working my tail off donating and tossing stuff from the main floor, he turned his energy to clearing our basement back into a usable TV room. He found out that Left Hand Brewery runs a D&D game on Monday nights, and he offered the table to them. He took it today, and the guy who runs the games was thrilled to get it. I had assumed that they'd need to modify it, or at least finish the trim work I never got to. But no, the guy was excited and said they could use it right away, as is. That made me feel good, because I had put a lot of creative energy into making it. I'm glad it will get some serious use now.

My grandkids weren't here today, so I only got to follow their day with photos. They apparently really liked the strong storms that were partly responsible for delaying their grandpa's flight. Valerie got to "help" make a curry. But the best part was Dmitri in their new play kitchen, and the picture captions from my two daughters. Daughter two (kids' mom) wrote, "Who closed last night?" Daughter one said, "Damnit, night shift, we've talked about wiping down the walls!" Both girls have restaurant experience, and it shows. (The pictures that go with this are below.)

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