Thursday, June 29, 2023

Inconvenient Tech

Inspirational song: That's Amore (Dean Martin)

Tech was not my friend today. I started a long continuing education course online, and three units into a twelve unit class, my laptop forgot how to internet. I tried and tried to get to the quiz for that third section, and it absolutely refused to go to the page. I plugged it in to charge and took an hour long break. I went back and it was still fighting me. I investigated and found it was on the slow version of our wifi, and wasn't showing any internet connection. I switched it to the 5G, and at least then I was connected, but I was also running out of time. I needed to go to the hardware store and bank, and be back to meet the new tenants at the house. The continuing education class will have to wait until tomorrow.

I got back with a little time to spare, and prepared to print out the lease for them to sign. I woke up the computer, and found it started running updates while I was making copies of keys. I groaned and tried to stand around and wait for it to be ready for me. I had to give up and go meet the tenants, and explain that I was about to hurl my laptop into the sun. I let them look around the house while I came back to print my documents. It was then that my old nemesis came back to taunt me. The lease fought me on printing, and when it finally did, it was spitting magenta ink all over the page, like it used to years ago. Why? Did it have to act up right then?

My consolation was getting to spend a couple hours with the most soul-soothing tenants. Two of them are just lovely. The third is the embodiment of joy. She bounced around the place, picturing herself living there, smiling the whole time. At one point while we were all talking, I caught her just hugging the wall near the pantry. I hope all this house love means they will like it enough next year that they want to renew their lease. 

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