Saturday, April 20, 2024

Felis Domesticus

Inspirational song: The Lovecats (The Cure)

Ain't nobody feeling in top form around here. Alfred is definitely improved over yesterday, but he is still not completely over whatever got him down. And after 500 dollars worth of vet visit, I'm starting to think his problem was environmental. Either he ate something that wasn't food, his food was spoiled somehow, or he encountered something in the house that laid him low (chemical, bacterial, or viral). I say this, because this afternoon, Jackie started throwing up too, and she has been sitting in Mr S-P's chair for hours, her body language screaming that she feels yucky. I have a lot of mothering to do around here to make sure everyone is comfortable.

The adults got pretty worn out too. It was a kid day, and they had all the energy that we didn't. I was always one catastrophe behind Dmitri, picking up his spills while he was off to create more havoc. Grandpa is at the end of his semester at CU, so he has to finish his big projects, while he is grading papers for his students at the community college. It was hard for him to chase children. Housemate #2 helped on either end, but was gone during the middle of the day. About 15 minutes before the kids were picked up, she was staring into space, saying her social battery was drained. She disappeared to her private quarters after that. 

It's late now, and I have to dredge up enough energy to put fresh sheets on the bed and get the shower I missed this morning, before crashing for the night. All I want right now is quiet sleep, and healthy cats. I wish, I wish...

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