Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Diss Tracks

Inspirational song: We Didn't Start the Fire (Billy Joel)

We have been waiting for the entire group to be present (minus those who quit) before we played the next encounter in our D&D campaign. We finally played tonight, and the assembled crew was on fire...and so were some of the non-player characters. The smart-alecky repartee was snappy. The game play was moving quickly. So much fun.

We had a lot of arguing with the DM over the course of the evening. You're really not supposed to do that. During one rules-weasel type line of questioning, Mr S-P was described as generally playing fast and loose with the rule books, which he considers a jumping off point. When the player across from me accused him of being "a hop, skip, and a book away from the rules," I warned her I was making a note of it to repeat here.

It got better when the fires started. One player started a bonfire suddenly that was five feet wide (a combat spell). It set three enemies ablaze, and there was a bit of panicked confusion following. Another player had cast a magical darkness inside the gated cavern we were trying to get into, so a poor little creature went running into a black cave that not even his burning clothing could illuminate, and he ran smack into the closed side of the gate with a clang and a curse. 

One player is "dragon-born," and can make little globs of fire that she can toss. It's not the powerful fireball spell that can clear a whole room of friends and foe alike. This is more the equivalent of lighting wadded up paper towels and throwing them. When she started the action, the whole room picked on her. My favorite diss was describing it as, "We have fireball at home."

It will be a few weeks before we can play again. Three of the four people who live here have end of semester assignments and college finals over the next two weeks. I hope we get a chance to have a celebration when they're all done.

Also, the tree growing over Rabbit's grave is blooming for the first time ever. I needed this.

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