Friday, April 19, 2024

Needs Attention

Inspirational song: Torch Song (Marillion)

This was one of those days when all plans go wonky. Our bunny boy Alfred refused his breakfast, following a refused dinner last night. He has been noticeably ill over the last day and a half. He is a senior kitty now, at 13, so it would be unwise to let something like this go on unaddressed. He was whisked away to spend the day at the vet, while I was on standby with my phone at the ready. I approved bloodwork and a UA, but decided observation would be fine before x-rays or other further imaging. He came home mid-afternoon having had an anti-nausea shot, with a collection of prescription food and probiotics. His lab work ruled out the typical senior cat illnesses, like diabetes, liver or kidney disease. He was still seeming low for hours, but an hour or so ago he jumped in my lap for a good cuddle. His body language is much more relaxed since then, and his ears are up like he is alert and in little or no pain. I'm hopeful that the worst is over. I'm wondering whether he just ate something he shouldn't, like one of my plants or people food with grapes in it (like the wine in a pot roast this week).

While I waited for phone calls from the vet, I went to brunch with the kids. My daughter likes having an extra wrangler for the children on grocery shopping days, and seeing that little bronco buck out of our hold at Le Peep, anyone would understand why. I wish I had had video of how Dmitri dropped down on all fours, spinning out of my control, while we stood at the hostess station. Has he started watching action movies already, before he is two years old? Maybe it's from watching Mario and Luigi. This grandma couldn't match his moves. He entertained the restaurant, though. His sister too.

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