Saturday, October 24, 2020

Baby's First Canvassing

Inspirational song: These Boots Are Made For Walking (Nancy Sinatra)

This puppy is going to sleep so well tonight. I will go on record predicting it. Right now, she is lying next to me, hiccuping vigorously, as she does whenever she is nervous. Athena is right next to her, and that always worries her. But she's too tired even to lift her head, so it's a safe bet she will be back asleep before I finish writing. 

I didn't do our puppy training homework until today. I wasn't up for going on walks outside yet, even though we were supposed to. There was a strong imperative to get to it today. The final get-out-the-vote push started this afternoon. My area coordinator dropped off stacks of half-page vote notes, a door-hanger that our hometown party volunteers designed, that now the whole county uses. These go up a week before the election, letting people know it is now too late to mail ballots, and please go now to drop them off. Also, vote your whole ballot. Anyone who hasn't voted yet, according to the county clerk's database, gets one of these taped to their front door. 

My co-precinct leader and I divided up the turf, that covers four blocks north to south, and seven east to west. She took the north half, I took the south. The Mr and I took two babies out. Dino and Saoirse did their first political action today! I'm so proud of them. They both did great. There were a lot of loud, scary dogs and people with leaf blowers, and both girls took them in stride. Well, Saoirse hid behind me a few times. Dino stayed snuggled in warm blankies in the stroller. When Saoirse and I had to peel off for class, a new volunteer from our precinct showed up to help out. And tomorrow our neighbors finish off the far east side of our turf. 

So far early turnout is extraordinary, all over the nation. Bit you know how I am about civic participation. I want all of you to use your voices. If you haven't already, go vote. Now. 

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