Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Inspirational song: Thirteen Days (John Wesley)

My feet ache. They hurt so bad I can't imagine ever walking again. I want to prop them up higher than my body and let all the life drain out if them. I cringe knowing that within a few hours, I will be up on them again. Knowing how badly they ache now, would I repeat this day and hurt them all over again?

In a heartbeat.

It was a good day. I needed like two items from Target, and a whole bunch of dairy products from the grocery store. I also needed company, so my daughter and I went together. She pushed the stroller and I pushed the cart, and over the course of about two hours, we put 3/4 of Target in those two wheeled conveyances. We spent another hour wandering around King Soopers, and I am not quite sure how we managed to get home with everything. It's a good thing we didn't take my little car. She got big plastic storage containers that filled up half of her Jeep. The best find of the day: after almost a year of watching for it, we found the book she wanted for Dino. It features Grover the Muppet, and it is called The Monster At the End of This Book. I look almost every time we are out, and I finally saw it.

When I got home, I had to race through my Wednesday evening routine. I bathed the puppy, and she did not like that. We went to play the smaller, older group of role-playing (the Pathfinder group), and took Saoirse with us. This time she was quiet in the car, although she really huddled in my lap the whole time. When she hopped out, she seemed to recognize where we were, and she was very excited to be there. She may not have the focus needed to be a service dog, but watching her flirt with everyone tonight, I know she has potential as a therapy dog. She loves people more than anything.

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