Sunday, October 11, 2020


Inspirational song: Science Fiction Double Feature (Rocky Horror Picture Show)

Going in, my expectations were low. I have held a lot of open houses, for my short real estate career, and I have gone from pouring my heart into preparing for them, emotionally, physically, and financially, to just hopping in the car half an hour before showtime and winging it. Today was toward the winging it side of the spectrum. I mean, I did do laundry specifically for today, and I had to ask for help finding my open house signs. But I didn't print any flyers, and I didn't purchase any food or beverages. No Craigslist ad this time either. Just wrote it on the MLS listing and that ported over to Zillow and such.

My plan was to stay out on the patio, and direct people in as needed. But a huge cold front rolled through today, with high winds that took the temperature down by twenty points while I was there. I moved inside and eventually closed the doors. I had one lady come by who said her buyers agent sent her, and she looked around for a good long while. She did ask if I had flyers, and I wish I had printed at least one for her. She also had a lot of questions about the unit, and I was able to roll off most of it off the top of my head. I didn't have the average gas and electric bill amounts, but that was the only one I didn't know.

I was tired and hungry by the end of my open house, so I stopped at the one place in town with gluten free fried chicken, and got a huge meal to take home. There are plenty of leftovers for tomorrow too. The grandbaby was here all day, being pretty good for her grandfather. But he was wiped out by the time I got back with the late lunch. He snuck out to the hot tub right after he helped me retrieve the high chair from the laundry room and set it up. My daughter arrived mere minutes after I opened a pack of baby food plums (okay, they call them prunes, but I dispute that terminology). Dino discovered that grandma's second favorite fruit is pretty darned special. (Just wait until you are able to try a nectarine, kid. Then you will really know bliss.)

My daughter and I took turns feeding and taking pictures and laughing gleefully at the messy baby who looked like she had smeared A1 sauce all over her face. Introducing foods is fun. I am so happy to be at this stage of her life. Good times. By the end of it, Dino had to have a bath and fresh clothes. Saoirse made sure we got all of the plums off the baby face.

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