Thursday, October 1, 2020


Inspirational song: Instant Karma (John Lennon)

How can a person be busy all day, working non-stop, and get to the end of it thinking absolutely nothing happened? I think my brain is permanently stuck on a dial tone. And I haven't actually heard one of those in a decade. Too much information swirls around us all the time, and I am having a rough time digging my hands into any of it.

Our monthly meeting was longer than usual and packed with quality data. I was wiped out at the end of it, and ended up needing to eat an early, large, high-protein lunch to recharge my energy stores. From there I went and met with a title agent who is also a friend, and now we are one step closer to getting the condo up for sale. It will be wonderful to get that on the market finally. Now that I'm emotionally ready to sell it, I want it to go quickly.

For a second day in a row, I cleaned like a maniac, trying to make this house seem less like there is a puppy living in it. I made great progress, in time for the game group to show up, with an extra guest. My son-in-law's mother has come to town, to meet Dino for the first time, and she came to our game night too. We enjoyed meeting her, and I am so glad she has made it up here to meet the baby. She came at a fantastic time, too. That baby is at an amazing stage, learning big things like standing with very little support, eating first stage foods, and being very interactive with her surroundings. She was standing on my lap tonight, plucking at my glasses and necklace, and for all of us, she was making sounds like she really wanted to form the words "hello!" and "hi!"

The puppy had a bath yesterday, and already today that little goober is dirty again. She and Murray have started playing much more actively. The Mr said he saw them playing king of the hill on a little pile of garden soil, and I caught them wrestling under the chokecherry tree. It's so cute. Murray sits on his butt (when he's out of wheels), and waves his front legs at her, so Saoirse copies him and rears up on her back legs. I can't believe I once worried they wouldn't get along. I just wish she didn't get so filthy rolling around playing with Murray.

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