Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Magic Window

Inspirational song: You Can Do Magic (America)

Tonight's photos are extremely dark, and that can't be helped. They are necessary to illustrate the story of today. I took them while sitting in the back seat of the car, on a practice ride with Saoirse. She still struggles with fear of car rides, and I had this brilliant idea to show her that sometimes car rides have super cool benefits. I'm not sure it worked as planned.

My own dinner was a mix of the dregs of two packaged salad kits and some cheese and veggies that needed to get used up in the fridge. I didn't want to cook, so I suggested the Mr could either find some leftovers of his own, or we could go to the McDonald's that is really close to the house. I pushed for the latter option, so that I could have him drive while I rode in the back holding Saoirse, petting her and telling her good things were about to happen. I didn't count on him needing to run into a different store first, just long enough for her to get panicky while we sat in the parking lot.

Between the store and the McDonald's, she just moped. We pulled into the drive through, and her ears perked up. She was interested in the magic window that smelled like foods she had never encountered before. But when that little sleeve of French fries was passed to the back seat, she finally understood. It was difficult to make her wait until they cooled off enough to eat.

Now, once we got home, she was so over the car and she zipped straight inside. And there she finished eating her fries. Semi-success. Maybe Thursday we can try to get a puppicino.

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