Thursday, October 22, 2020

Big Baby

Inspirational song: Isn't It Time (The Babys)

At the end of a social butterfly type day, I'm feeling connected and generally okay. And this is even taking into consideration that an outdoor Rotary event was canceled for cold weather. 

For the first time since the original lockdown, I succeeded in conquering my discomfort about eating in a restaurant/brewery, but to be fair, we were the only customers in the establishment, and there was only one waitress. We had a good friend come to town, someone I haven't been able to see in a dozen years, since we left California the last time. He has had, let's say, a trying year, and I will not quantify or qualify that any further. I was glad to catch up, and I was pleased to discover the relationship between the Mr and him has not changed in tone or manner in the slightest in all these years. It was entertaining, to say the least.

It was another surprise babysitting day all day. That makes three days in a row I got to cuddle with my baby. I swear she has grown and developed new skills even since yesterday. She wanted to slap at my screens while she sat in my lap, so I pulled up the garage band app on the iPad. I haven't opened it in years, since the thing was new, so I had no idea how to work it. I just got some keyboards open and set her to it. We changed from grand piano to synth, soul organ to something that appeared to belong in 1970s prog. She actually did well with that last one. I have no idea how she did it, but she got a little metronome clicking and something she played looping, and it really rocked. I took some videos to share in the family chat. I want this kid to play on this some more.

We ended the day next door, watching the final debate of the season. Three of us were paying attention, and one was pointedly staying in the kitchen. When it was over, we cleansed our spirits with a little Mario Party. I was way too mellowed out by that part to play well at all. I won one of the mini games quite by accident as soon as it started, and came in last on just about everything else.

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