Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Personal Day

Inspirational song: Harden My Heart (Quarterflash)

It's actually okay to feel antisocial sometimes, right? It's not just me, and not just Covid Times? I had obligations today, and I couldn't meet them. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't want to go outside, even though it wasn't nearly as chilly as it looked. I stayed home. I skipped the zoom meeting for Rotary. I failed to restock our precious supply of half and half. (I know I will regret that come morning.) I remember clearly thinking the words, "I'm taking a mental health day," as if I were justifying it to the voices in my head.

The day wasn't a total wash. I did get to babysit on short notice. My son-in-law needed to study for a physics exam, and asked me to give Dino the interaction and attention she craved while he was face down in textbooks. She came over and practiced her entertaining skills. She was active and grabby and funny and charming. And when she was tired, even her cranky screams were kind of cute. We had a half a bottle, and then we tried green beans, her mother's one-time favorite. They weren't quite as mind-blowing as plums, but she ate with gusto. Then we had a bath, which confused the puppy. ("Does the tiny human actually like the water? Why?") 

I will probably figure out about some deadline or other I missed today. Like this afternoon when I realized that my driver's license expired on Saturday, and the soonest appointment I could get to renew is the first week of November. An error, but not a tragic one. Surely I didn't miss anything more important than that. It was worth it to just stay home and let my emotional state build up a little extra oomph.

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