Monday, October 25, 2021

Finish It Now

Inspirational song: Prove It All Night (Bruce Springsteen)

It's gonna be just like the old days. I'm going to stay up way later than I ought, sewing something I expect to wear tomorrow. Why do I do this to myself? I've been pulling this stunt since I was a teenager. Now, sure, I felt like crap all weekend, and didn't get as much advance work done as I expected. I feel like crap now, but I don't have any choice but to push through it. Currently I'm promising myself I will stop sewing at midnight. It's more likely I will go until I encounter another major problem. The first one was my machine dropping a whole bunch of stitches while I was trying to zigzag. (After a lot of cursing, I Googled it and changed the needle.)

This is not the only project this week. I also am making a sleeper for Valerie based on some Anime character I've never heard of. Thank goodness I don't have to start that one until at least tomorrow afternoon.

The kids came by to give me a sleeper to copy, and our daughter finally picked up that giant box that has been sitting by the door for a week. She traded us an enormous recliner that was getting tossed out at her work. It's not my decorating style, but damn, it's comfortable. One of the vintage rockers needs some repair work, so it needed to come out of rotation. Now we have even more space to rock that baby to sleep, and fall asleep ourselves at the same time.

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