Saturday, October 2, 2021


Inspirational song: Caribbean Queen (Billy Ocean)

Do I have to be right every Saturday? My buddy asked me how I was going to spend my day, and I said I would watch football until my heart was broken, and then I'd turn it off and go do something else. Okay, it wasn't a huge psychic moment I had. It was almost a given than my team would continue to stumble. But I might have enjoyed being wrong.

I had a rough night. I woke up a lot with my stomach hurting. I gave it the old college try to sleep late. (Maybe that phrase is a poor choice considering paragraph one.) I did enjoy not getting zapped today by radiation. So what did I do instead? Went driving at altitude, to get an extra helping of UV radiation. Okay, so maybe that wasn't my smartest decision.

I took a couple dozen photos, but on the actual camera instead of the phone. I haven't ever figured out how to do that pair thing where the photos appear in my phone or one drive or whatever. I'm currently running about four months of updates on my laptop, which I started before we took T out for his birthday dinner hours ago. Most of the mountain pics can wait until tomorrow, when I can pry them loose from the SD card. I do have one photo, that shows what happens almost every time Mr S-P goes anywhere. He is the universal road angel. I'm used to this.

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